Animal Instincts Weekend was the second event in Worlds of Tomorrow. It began on July 7, 2017 and ended on July 11, 2017 at 3 PM PST. The currency during this event was packaged lizards.
Build time
Joe's Ark Pet Store
4 hr
Parthenogenic critters not available two by two.
8-legged dog
He's just an arachdnid that plays fetch.
A crossover hare.
Vermin of the skies.
Purple Fruit Snake
The eyes have it.
0 (requires owl, dog, and snake)
Is it racist to assume he's into hip-hop?
Space Missions
Fuel needed
Unlock requirements
Animal Instincts "The crew collects exotic lizards from the planet's surface."
 Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 9 Locked 1 (Level 5): 11 Locked 2 (Level 10 left path): 12 Locked 3 (Level 10 right path): 12
Delivery character level 5 Delivery character level 10
Office Pets
Hey Bender, wanna help me pick out some cute pets for Planet Express?
Hello? If you're looking for cute, your search stops with me, Bender.
I said "pets". And even if I said "vaguely humanoid bipeds", I'd still outcute you.
Maybe, but I'm willing to run around on all fours if you rub my tummy.
Amy searches for more pets. Get the owl. Get the 8-legged dog. Get the purple fruit snake.
With all our new pets, Planet Express is now cuddletastic!
Pfft. We got an owl and a snake. They only have a combined cuddliness score of about three.
Not after the plastic surgery!
Goal complete: Office Pets. ( 1 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 1
Good news, Fry! Pimparoo has chosen Planet Express to help him start his exotic animal business.
We're busy saving the universe, remember? Tell Pimparoo no.
Fry, he's a boxing kangaroo AND a pimp. He'll hit anyone anytime for any reason. You don't say no to Pimparoo.
Pimparoo starts a business. Have Fry meet with Pimparoo. (6s) Have The Professor meet with Pimparoo. (6s)
Now that I've helped you open the exotic pet business, Pimparoo, perhaps we can discuss compensation?
I figured I'd let you in for five percent, baby.
I was thinking more like, "I get all the unsold animals to use for experiments".
Let me keep all the unsold big green feathery birds, and it's a deal.
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 1 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 2
Listen, Amy, some of these exotic pets ain't exactly legal, so I need some kinda front. Any ideas?
Hide 'em in plain sight, Pimparoo. Open a pet store with cute legal pets in the window and keep the exotica in the back.
Great idea! You won't be wantin' a cut, now, will you?
Eh, just let me pet the cute ones whenever I want, and we'll call it even.
A pet store opens up. Build Joe's Ark Pet Store.
I just cuddled a bunch of cute little animals! I wish Planet Express had a pet.
We do have a pet. His name is Nibbler.
I mean one that doesn't know more physics than I do.
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 2 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 3
I been working the exotic pet black market. Got a guy who's willing to trade a whole jungle of mixed primates for a shipful of Omicronian lizards.
You expect me to collect a whole shipful? Those things have jaws at both ends!
So... Fry?
Yeah, Fry.
The crew looks for lizards. Go to Omicron Persei 8 in search for Exotic Lizards. Collect 20 Exotic Lizards from Combat Enemies.
Have we collected enough space lizards? My face is swelling up from that horrible venom they spray.
That's not horrible venom, it's -- er, yes. That venom is horrible, all right.
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 3 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 4
Have you rounded up the Omicronian lizards and put them in the shipping crate yet?
Yep, I got some help from Harold, your hyperintelligent lab money.
Yes, Harold's quite clever with a lariat, isn't he?
I dunno. I just tied him up and shoved him inside the crate and the lizards ran right in.
The lizards are packed. Have Bender box lizards. Collect 4 Packaged Lizards.
The lizards are all packed up and ready to go.
Did you punch air holes in the crates?
Yes. And guess what came spraying out? That horrible venom!
It must be difficult packing up things that are smarter than you are.
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 4 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 5
So now Pimparoo wants us to find him an owl? Did you ask him what the hell for?
Yes. He said "Don't make me use my back-hand." Me, a famous scientist and old man, being made to chase owls... Forget it! You find the owl, Fry.
Don't make me use my back-hand.
Business is booming. Trade packaged lizards for the owl.
My exotic animal business is blowin' up thanks to you, Prof. How can I ever repay you with something other than money?
Well, perhaps you can teach me about pimping. I understand it's easy.
Naw, man! Just the opposite! Pimpin' AIN'T easy! Specially for a damn kangaroo!
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 5 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 6
Why are we collecting space lizards for Pimparoo? This is an outrage!
He needs more lizards to trade for exotic pets. Besides, he treats me good. And he bought me a pair of designer jeans.
Pimparoo doesn't care about you, Fry! He told me so over dinner! He took me to Fishy Joe's!
Bender complains about work. Return to Omicron Persei 8 in search of lizards. Collect 30 lizards from Combat Enemies. Make Bender go for a spin (2h).
Why should I keep helping you with your business?
Aw, Bender, you know we're in this together, baby.
I don't believe you, Pimparoo! And Fry said you bought him designer jeans. You never buy me anything!
Players gonna play.
Popup: Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 6 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 7
I'm in the market for a new dog.
I know a guy who sells them out of the back of a truck for a discount.
But I want one with a new car smell! Eh, I guess I could buy a discount dog and a new car for it to roll around in.
Popup: Amy looks for a new dog. Collect 10 packaged lizards. Trade packaged lizards for the 8-legged dog.
Cute Octodog, Amy.
Thanks! I named it after you. Actually "Fry" is just his last name. His first name is "Better-Looking".
Animal Instincts Pt. 7 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 8
Fry, our exotic animal connection's got another shipment. We need more space lizards to trade.
I have to go to Omicron Persei 8 AGAIN? This is like the 15th time since the hypnowave catastrophe started! I swear, it's like there's only four planets in this whole universe.
Fry gets sent to Omicron. Collect Exotic Lizards from Omicron Persei 8. Collect 50 Exotic Lizards from Combat Enemies.
I'm back from collecting lizards.
That was quick.
I nearly got killed by brutal enemies.
There's a soda in the fridge.
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 8 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 9
This pet business is too successful. There's no room for all these exotic animals in here!
You're overreacting, Fry --
Am I? In case you haven't noticed, we're ankle-deep in poop! Because the hyper-apes are always using the bathroom when I need it!
Fry worries about overcrowding. Collect 10 Packaged Lizards. Trade Packaged Lizards for the Purple Fruit Snake.
Guess what, Fry? The professor got a snake for the office.
That explains the slithering thing crawling up my pants leg.
No, the snake is over there. What you feel is Bender's extendo arm. He's picking your pocket from the inside.
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 9 ( 75, 50)
Animal Instincts Pt. 10
Good news, Pimparoo! The exotic animal business is producing record profits!
If it didn't, I was gonna have to put you on the street to make back my money.
You can still do that if you'd like.
The business reaches new heights. Get Pimparoo.
I think I'll stay in New New York awhile. There's $$$ to be collected.
Did you say $$$?
Uh huh.
How did you say it?
Goal complete: Animal Instincts Pt. 10 ( 75, 50)
Additional info