Episode 1: Lrrr Strikes Back was the seventh event, and first major event, in Worlds of Tomorrow. The update containing the event, and the event title screen, was released on August 2, 2017. The event itself went live on August 3, 2017 and ended on August 30th, 2017. The currency for the event was Omicronian weed.
Act 1
The first part of the Omicron Invasion event went live on August 3, 2017. Week 2 began on August 9, 2017.
Unlock requirements
Bachelor Fry
I'm on a strict beer and pizza diet.
Invasion Nation Pt. 1
Citizens of Earth! I am Lrrr, ruler of the Planet Omicron Persei 8. And I am here to announce your invasion by me!
As President of this great planet, I have just two words for you: "Arrooo!" and "Why?"
The Earthican Fry took the artifact I was using to steal satellite TV. Now the only channel I get is C-Span9. Nothing but round-the-clock ugly state legislators! And not even the interesting states!
Lrrr invades earth. Check Out the Invasion Site. Learn About the Invasion.
Lrrr just set up a military base in Central Park. And he's still mad about the artifact I took.
What shall we do -- sacrifice you as an apology?
Why is sacrificing me always your first idea?
Because the big stone altar I bought 20 years ago is still just gathering dust.
Goal complete: Invasion Nation Pt. 1 ( 75, 25)
Invasion Nation Pt. 2
I have released the Omicronian Birds. Soon they shall wreak havoc upon New New York.
I told you not to bring those birds. They squawk all night and leave droppings everywhere.
If you have better havoc-wreaking ideas, you should have attended the planning meeting.
Perhaps I would, if you held them somewhere other than the Golden Corral!
Omicronian birds wreak havoc. Learn about Omicronian Birds. Clear 6 Omicronian Birds.
Look, Fry, Lrrr's put a bounty on your head. Do the right thing and turn yourself in, or I'll have to do something sneaky.
You're going to have Headless Agnew hand me over? You wouldn't!
You're right. It would hurt the planet to involve the Vice-President in such dirty tricks. To preserve deniability, I'll make the dancing skeleton of G. Gordon Liddy do it.
Goal complete: Invasion Nation Pt. 2 ( 75, 25)
Invasion Nation Pt. 3
Commence cultural assimilation of planet Earth! We shall start by replacing your Earth buildings with traditional Omicronian architecture!
You can't just come in here and build whatever you want, all willy-nilly!
Maybe not willy. But nilly? Definitely! Perhaps you do not understand the concept of being conquered!
And maybe YOU don't understand the concept of angry old man!
The assimilation begins. Build s42 Parking Garage. (0s) Check Out the Omicronian Palace. Get 280 Omicronian Weed.
The Omicronians have planted their ugly bioluminescent weed everywhere. can you do anything about the mess, Scruffy?
I'm a janitor. I don't work outside. You want weedin', best call my sister Duffy, the gardener.
Why, Scruffy, I didn't know you had a sister! What other personal details have you been hiding from us?
None. I'm a janitor, I got a sister, I like porn, end of story. Mm-hmmm.
Goal complete: Invasion Nation Pt. 3 ( 75, 75)
Invasion Nation Pt. 4
This invasion is getting out of hand. Omicronians are walking the streets intimidating everyone.
They have not once intimidated me.
They gave you a swirly in the restroom!
Pfft! I had that swirly scheduled for months. The Omicronians just happen to be the ones to administer it.
New New York is terrorized. Have Amy Curse in Cantonese (8h) Have The Professor Shop for Bargain Life Insurance Policies (8h) Complete the mission "Space Invaders".
I have a theory. Perhaps we can use their bioluminescent weed to disorient the Omicronians and drive them off the planet--
You had me at "I have a theory". How can I help?
By collecting a huge amount of the weed and forming it into long cylindrical bales. Perhaps you could wrap them in some type of slow-burning paper for easy transport. You know, in certain respects, this Omicronian weed is a lot like marijuana!
Goal complete: Invasion Nation Pt. 4 ( 75, 50)
Invasion Nation Pt. 5
You there! Why are you not making yourself useful by building Omicronian structures?
Because with one exception, I avoid all forms of being useful. so unless you need someone to bend girders for your precious Omicronian buildings, buzz off!
Actually, that's exactly what we need for our precious Omicronian buildings.
Me and my stupid firmware!
Bender goes into construction. Have Bender Bend Girders. (2h) Build Omicronian Hut. Clear 15 Omicronian Birds
What's wrong, Bender?
It's that dumb Lrrr. He's been making me build stuff left and right.
What?! You've been treasonously assisting our enemies?
Hey, I guess I have! Thanks, Amy. I feel a lot better.
Goal complete: Invasion Nation Pt. 5 ( 75, 50)
Invasion Nation Pt. 6
Hey, Fry, why are you in your underwear?
Shhh! Not so loud! I'm hiding from Lrrr until he forgets about me.
How does being half-naked help?
Women always tell me I'm a lot less memorable with my clothes off.
Fry goes on the run. Have Bachelor Fry Act Suspicious. (1m) Attack an Omicronian Guard
I can't live in my underwear for the rest of my life. We have to fight back! We need to make the Omicronians leave Earth!
Because this is our planet! We can't just surrender!
No, I mean, why can't you live in your underwear for the rest of your life?
Because Grandma made me promise right before she died.
Goal complete: Invasion Nation Pt. 6 ( 75, 50)
Invasion Nation Pt. 7
Your plan is working, Professor! Under the influence of their native weed, the Omicronians are being tricked into leaving!
Indeed. Strange, isn't it, how such a mighty race can fall prey to such a tiny weakness... Well, let's go vape, pop some opioids, and check our social media feeds for a few hours.
The crew fights back. Get Bachelor Fry to level 5. Clear 1 Omicronian Guard. Complete the mission "Omicronian Assault".
The Professor's plan is working! That means I don't have to worry about anybody turning me over to Lrrr!
You're such a wuss. Nobody was going to turn you in. Why would they bother?
I was afraid somebody might do it for the money.
The what now?
Goal complete: Invasion Nation Pt. 7 ( 75, 50)
Hattie in Hand
Would you like to join my anti-Omicronian resistance army, Ms. McDoogal?
That depends. Can I complain non-stop about the people in charge and leave at critical moments to feed my kittycats?
Then I'm in. I'll be back at four o'clock, smelling like sardines and accusing you of treason.
See you then!
Hattie McDoogal joins the resistance. Build Hattie McDoogal's House. Unlock Hattie McDoogal. 25 Family Photos - Get from Mission "Omicronian Assault", Get from Mission "Cease and Resist" 9 Cremated Ashes - Clear Omicronian Guards with Bachelor Fry or Free Waterfall Jr. 12 Cats - Have Bender Show Apathy (2h), Have The Professor Complain About Prices (2h), Have Amy Sit Back and Relax (2h) 8 Cat Sized Purses - Collect from Omicron Vet Clinic, Have Kif Begrudgingly Watch Stripperbots (8h) 1 Omicronian Statue of Liberty
Come on already, let's get rid of these Omicronians. They ruined my whole afternoon.
They pre-empted "All My Circuits" to demand we surrender some orange-haired whatchamacallit! Moron!
You've got me very worried, Hattie. How are we supposed to find out whether Calculon survived that rickshaw explosion?
Goal complete: Hattie in Hand ( 75, 25)
Act 2
The second part of the Omicron Invasion event went live on August 9, 2017. Week 2 began on August 18, 2017. The only item that was no longer available in Week 3 was the 70s Keyboardist. (Bob Casale from Devo)
Act 3
The third part of the Omicron Invasion event went live on August 18, 2017. The only item that was no longer available in Week 3 was the Purple 70s Guitar Player. (Bob Mothersbaugh from Devo)
Act 4
The fourth part of the Omicron Invasion event went live on August 24, 2017. The only item that was no longer available in Week 3 was the 70s Drummer. (Alan Myers from Devo)