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George Takei Weekend was the third event in Worlds of Tomorrow. It began on July 14, 2017 and ended on July 20, 2017 at 3 PM PST.
George Takei
0, Needs to be unlocked
Normally I don't let strangers unlock me, but you're an exception.
Neil deGrasse Tyson's head
I don't think I'm smarter than you, I KNOW I'm smarter than you.
George Takei Statue
0, Needs to be unlocked
Ozymandios, eat your heart out.
Space Missions
Fuel needed
Unlock requirements
Do It For Sulu "Get ready for some Takei extraction action."
Path 1: 16 Locked 1 (Level 7): 18 Locked 2 (Level 12): 20
Mission requires Amy, Fry Scientist character level 7 Scientist character level 12
Georgie Porgy "You can watch "Heroes". Just for one day."
Path 1: 19 Locked 1 (Level 9): 23 Locked 2 (Level 15): 21
Mission requires George Takei Scientist character level 9 Scientist character level 15
George of the Space Jungle "Watch out for that debris!"
Path 1: 15 Locked 1 (Level 16): 19 Locked 2 (Level 20): 19
Mission requires George Takei Scientist character level 16 Scientist character level 20
Takei With a Vengence "The final "i" is long. So is his memory"
Path 1: 19 Locked 1 (Level 19): 23 Locked 2 (Level 23): 21
Mission requires George Takei Scientist character level 19 Scientist character level 23
The George Takei Experience
Complete all quests and space missions for George Takei Weekend!
Goal complete: The George Takei Experience ( 100, 75)
Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 1
Amy, there you are! I've just been watching a video George Takei posted to his billions of followers. It appears your parents have kidnapped him and taken him to Mars!
Kidnapped? I saw that video too. He said my parents invited him and he was having a great time.
Yes, but his voice lacked that mellow Takei rumble. And he was furiously blinking "Oh, my!" in Morse code the entire time.
The crew hears conficting reports. Have the professor locate George Takei (1m).
My parents have kidnapped the beloved George Takei! We need to save him!
Umm... Right now, I'm saving the universe--
But George Takei is a celebrity! I don't think the universe has ever been on TV!
I bet it has. But it sure doesn't have as many followers as Takei does, so lets go.
Goal complete: Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 1 ( 100, 75)
Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 2
Okay, here's the plan: you rescue Takei while I'm distracting my parents by announcing I'm pregnant and showering me with gifts.
Aww! I want gifts! Couldn't we switch?
No! Besides, I'll have to return the gifts when they find out I was lying, but you'll still be the hero.
Eh, I suppose George Takei's eternal gratitude is better than nothing.
The crew attempts George Takei's rescue. Rescue George Takei from Mars.
Are you here to rescue me?
That's Fry's job. I'm here to stick it to my parents.
Er... nothing against Fry, but couldn't you switch? YOU rescue me and have Fry deal with you parents?
Why do people keep suggesting that?
"Do It For Sulu" Mars mission boss fight with Leo and Inez Wong.
You're safe now, Mr. Takei. By the way, weren't you just a head in a jar the last time I saw you?
Yes I was, Amy. But you may remember the all-powerful entity Mellivar, another fan who once captured me... he gave me my body in exchange for an autographed copy of my autobiography.
That's all he wanted? You got a great deal!
Oh no I didn't. He insisted that the personal dedication come from Bill Shatner.
Goal complete: Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 2 ( 100, 75)
Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 3
Hey, Takei, I'm heading out to O'Zorgnax's. How about a drink?
Please, Bender, I'm still recovering from the nightmare of being kidnapped.
Did I mention they serve tranya?...
Demons banished.
Bender invites George Takei. Convince George Takei to stay in New New York. George Takei unlock requirements: 79 TOS Tapes (Get from Mars Mission "Do It for Sulu"). 10 Tranya (Have Scruffy Order Some Tranya, Have The Professor Order Some Tranya, or Have Bender Order Some Tranya) 10 Autographed Headshots (Collect from 7^11, Collect from Food-O-Mat, or Collect from Church of Trek) 10 Phasers (Have Kif Leave Flowers for Amy, Have Fry Buy Retro Junk, or Have Neil deGrasse Tyson Observe the Universe)
Blecch! That tranya was awful, I'm actually sorry I got my body back!
Well, you won't be if you stick with me, 'cause I'm about to go jack on with electricity. Wanna try?
I'm fairly sure that would kill me. But there's only one way to find out!
Goal complete: Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 3 ( 100, 75) You Recruited George Takei!
Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 4
My parents won't get away with this, Mr Takei. I'm going to go confront them about their celebrity-napping.
Careful, Amy, your father's a powerful man. He could destroy my acting career. Remember Dobbo the Adored?
Amy confronts her parents. Confront Leo and Inez Wong. Complete Mars Mission Georgie Porgy.
No hard feeling, Mr. Takei. Me and Inez are big fans.
I'm sure Amy will show me the same hospitality that you have.
Good luck! Amy a terrible cook.
But on the bright side, she won't imprison me, so I'd call it even.
I'm truly sorry for the hell my parents put you through, Mr. Takei.
I wouldn't call it "hell", Amy. Hell is being fired by Donald Trump on "Celebrity Apprentice". Can you believe I lost to John Rich?
Who's John Rich?
To this day, I have no idea.
Goal complete: Takei It Or Leave It Pt. 4 ( 100, 75)
Oh My! Pt 1
What are you going to do while you're here?
I'm planning a personal appearance tour, to bask in the adoration of my billions of fans.
That could be risky. They may love you onscreen and online for free, but they not want to pay. Trust me, I know.
George Takei begins tour planning. Have George Takei play Fry's holophonor.
I wish I could play the holophonor that well. You must have had years of practice.
I've never played the holophonor in my life. I'm just naturally good at everything I try. I know nothing about soccer, yet I led the Takei City Bandits to victory by scoring every goal in the World Cup final. Now let me tell you about my line of fine mens' cologne.
Goal complete: Oh My! Pt. 1 ( 100, 75)
Oh My! Pt 2
I'll need to reach as many people as I can to publicize my tour.
I can help you spread the word through social media. But we'll need to take some sexy selfies.
I don't think I know how to do that... Ha! I had you going there for a minute, didn't I? Let me just put a few strategic rips in my shirt.
Have George Takei Use Twitcher (6h). Have Amy attend a social event (8h).
Glawsome! Our latest post just got 500,000 likes on Twitcher.
I'm George Takei, Amy. Normally I get 500,000 likes just for scratching my ass. I think the Wong-Takei double-selfie format is dragging me down.
I'm being as naked as I can get!
Goal complete: Oh My! Pt. 2 ( 100, 75)
Oh My! Pt 3
For my live appearances, I want to show some clips of me in my youth. So I'll need to find some old tapes.
But those tapes were banned from Earth, remember?
Oh, I'm sure I can find them somewhere. But do you think I'll get in trouble for screening them?
Eh. You'll be fine as long as they don't show you doing anything crazy. Like fencing shirtless, or building a plexiglass whale tank.
Uh oh.
Have George Takei search for old Star Trek tapes (4h). Have Fry buy retro junk (4h).
The vital tapes have been located and I'm ready for my first live performance. I sure hope it goes well.
Silently present a bouquet of flowers to my retiring elementary school teacher and run offstage.
Goal complete: Oh My! Pt. 3 ( 100, 75)
Oh My! Pt 4
So you need a venue for your show, right? I got two available: a roomy theater and Fry's bedroom. Either one will cost you $2000.
I'll go with the roomy theater.
Great. Just remember: when it's too late to find another place, the theater will suddenly become unavailable and you'll have to use the bedroom. It's called the old "Bend and Switch". By me, anyway.
George Takei finds a venue. Have George Takei look for a new venue. (8h) Have Bender take off head and spin it. (2h)
Everyone loved your show, Mr. Takei. It was a standing-room-only crowd!
In your bedroom, that doesn't mean too much.
Don't sell yourself short. When Bender booked the Rolling Stones in there, the place was only half-full.
Goal complete: Oh My! Pt. 4 ( 100, 75)
Space Case
You've completed the event and made George Takei very proud. Complete the optional missions to collect your reward! Complete the remaining space missions and collect the George Takei statue. Complete George of the Space Jungle. Complete Takei With a Vengance.
Goal complete: The George Takei Experience ( 1, 500, 400)
StarJar Pt. 1
Neil deGrasse Tyson? What are you doing here?
I'm researching the Hypnowaves on behalf of my institution, the Hayden Planetarium.
Did you say you were in an institution with Hayden Panettiere? She's my favorite actress! I've been waiting ten years to use that. And it was worth it.
Neil deGrasse Tyson begins his research. Have Neil deGrasse Tyson Go for a Loop (2h) Have Fry Lounge in His Underwear (8h)
Sorry about the aerobatics. My thrusters started malfunctioning.
Whoo! That's what SHE said!
After I finish my Hypnowave research, I'm going to investigate how anybody can put up with you.
Good luck!
Goal complete: StarJar Pt. 1 ( 200, 150)
StarJar Pt. 2
Good luck analyzing the Hypnowaves, Tyson. I've gotten nowhere, but maybe a "science communicator" will have better luck.
I've published over a dozen significant papers in astrophysics. What have you accomplished?
I invented a device that lets you smell faraway things and an extremely long finger! I wish I was dead.
Probably will be soon.
Neil deGrasse Tyson uses science. Have Neil deGrasse Tyson Do Astronomy. (3h) Have The Professor Use the Finglonger. (1h)
It's apparent that the Hypnowaves are highly unstable.
Did you figure that out yourself, Einstein?
No, you kept shouting it in my ear.
Just making sure we all know whose name appears first on the paper.
Goal complete: StarJar Pt. 2 ( 200, 150)
StarJar Pt. 3
I suspect the hypnowaves can be neutralized by passing them through curved space. I'll need some kind of immensely powerful bending apparatus.
I'm some kind of immensely powerful bending apparatus. I once bent an entire prison.
With those arms? They look like spaghetti strands.
You don't have a lot of friends, do you, Tyson?
Neil deGrasse Tyson uses science. Have Neil deGrasse Tyson Do Astronomy. (3h) Have The Professor Use the Finglonger. (1h)
I've scanned for hypnowaves.
What did you find?
The hypnowaves have spread like a nasty digitally-transmitted robo virus.
Spare me the lecture about setting up a secure firewall. Those things take away all the pleasure.
Goal complete: StarJar Pt. 3 ( 200, 150)
StarJar Pt. 4
I'm off to look for vintage telescopes. It's a nerdy hobby of mine.
How did you ever become heavyweight champion of the world?
You're thinking of MIKE Tyson.
Wow, a boxer AND a mindreader. I'm impressed.
Neil deGrasse Tyson practices a hobby. Have Neil deGrasse Tyson Shop for Old Telescopes. (8h) Have Amy Drink Girly Cocktail. (8h)
I couldn't find any telescopes that fit my personality.
You need a new hobby. maybe you could take tennis lessons.
I have no limbs! Maybe you could take a sensitivity training course. Or an eye test.
I'm not impressed any more.
Goal complete: StarJar Pt. 4 ( 200, 150)
StarJar Pt. 5
To complete my research, I'll need access to a roof.
My favorite crime is "breaking and accessing." But what do I get for my trouble?
If you carry me to the roof, I'll put your name on the study.
The Bender Report: Why He's Great and Maybe Some Other Stuff. I like the sound of that.
Neil deGrasse Tyson looks to the stars. Have Neil deGrasse Tyson Hang Out on the Roof. (4h) Have Bender Take Pictures and Say Neat. (4h)
I have concluded that the hypnowaves are entirely man-made. Wait a minute. I meant to say "toad-made". Sometimes my little claws write whatever they want.
Smooth move, Tyson. Whenever anything goes wrong, blame it on your robot hands. That's what I do. I call it "pleading handsanity".
Goal complete: StarJar Pt. 5 ( 200, 150)
Additional info