Infosphere:Featured articles/2011

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Revision as of 17:00, 20 December 2010 by Aki (talk | contribs)
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This page lists articles that have been featured on the Main Page. If you have ideas for pages that should be featured, please add them on the nominations page.  

During the weeks 11-13 of 2006, featured articles were presented on a per week basis; this was followed by a brief hiatus of two months, after which it switched to a per month basis, as there weren't enough articles to fit a weekly article. As the wiki grew in size, the choice was moved to a per fortnight (14 days) basis instead, which would mean twice as many articles per year. Mid-2010 again saw a hiatus in feature articles, with one article staying for four fortnights, but now we're yet again up and rolling.

Jump to the currently featured article: Fortnight 12, 2024.

Fortnight 1, 2011

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Tinny Tim is an unlucky orphan robot who lives on the streets of New New York. He uses a crutch (which seems to replace his arm) to help himself walk. Despite the hardships he endures, he seems to be accepting of his lot in life. Though generally seen begging, he has also been seen selling newspapers. Tinny Tim is both in name, accent and appearance based on Charles Dickens' Tiny Tim character. (more...)

Fortnight 2, 2011

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"The Late Philip J. Fry", aired in July 2010, is often considered by both staff and fans to be one of the best episodes, if not the best episode, of both the series and the sixth season. Fry, Professor Farnsworth, and Bender accidentally travel into a dystopic year ten thousand, without the possibility to travel backwards, only forwards in time. Upon realising this, they decide to keep traveling beyond, hoping to reach a time when Humanity has constructed a backwards time machine. (more...)