A screenshot from "
Assie Come Home", which serves as the thumbnail for the Vulture preview clip.
The Vulture preview clip (labelled "Futurama: The Planet Express Crew Is Back!") is a preview clip for broadcast season 10. It was released by Comedy Central, and was reported by Vulture.com, [1] one of the websites of New York Magazine. It contains footage from all the episodes of the season but "Forty Percent Leadbelly".
Before being released, the clip was screened at Cobb's Comedy Club, in San Francisco. [2]
Clip contents
- The Planet Express ship flying from Earth to the moon [7ACV26]
- Leela mugging Bender [7ACV17]
- Drrr examining Fry [7ACV16]
- Bender stepping on Fry, Leela, the professor, and Amy's heads [7ACV25]
- Leela revealing to Fry and Bender that she has become a squid-like creature [7ACV22]
- Dalmatian Nibbler in the firetruck Planet Express ship [7ACV18]
- Bender attempting to put out Flamo with alcohol [7ACV18]
- The professor and the street-racing gang beginning their race [7ACV15]
- The Planet Express ship hitting Tarquin's lighthouse [7ACV21]
- Freezer Burn, Nutcracker, Waterboard, and Boxcutter fighting A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. [7ACV19]
- The blips and the cruds shooting the guns that Bender bent [7ACV21]
- Fry, Leela, Bender, and the professor running from the lords of Flatbush [7ACV15]
- A gorilla announcing the arrival of an order from Planet Express [7ACV17]
- Fry, Leela, Bender, Zoidberg, and Amy in the Planet Express ship with Blorgulax [7ACV24]
- The crew resurrecting Calculon [7ACV20]
- Fry and Bender arriving in Robot Hell [7ACV20]
- The professor riding a mechanical buggalo [7ACV22]
- Dr Banjo hitting Amy with a dart [7ACV17]
- Fry, Leela, and Bender in the cockpit of the Floatwell sunken ship [7ACV21]
- Fry and Jrrr fleeing from Lrrr and two other Omicronians [7ACV16]
- A machine feeding Fry and chewing for him [7ACV17]
- Fry licking Seymour [7ACV23]
- Zoidberg and Marianne kissing after Marianne's surgery [7ACV25]
- Bender vomiting while on an amusement ride with Albert [7ACV26]
- Fry falling from the Vampire State Building [7ACV26]
Clip transcript
Drrr: Open your mouth and say [long scream].
Good God!
Gorilla: Gentlemen. The new office chairs are here.
Leela: It's time we solved this problem the old-fashioned way. By shooting it!
Bender: Wait wait wait wait. You can't give everybody guns. What if one of us is the creature?
It could be any of us. Fry... Leela... Amy... Zoidberg... Zoidberg.
Zoidberg #1: One of us must be the bad creature.
Zoidberg #2: Is it me, maybe?
Professor Farnsworth: Now, we just re-introduce Calculon's programming to his body, using science.
Amy: It's like magic, but... with electricity.
Professor Farnsworth: First, we put on our protective suits. Then, place the body equidistant from the five nearest wireless network hubs.
Hermes: This is the least scientific thing I've ever seen!
Professor Farnsworth: You be quiet!
Now... it's a simple matter of reverse-installing Calculon's operating system.
Amy. Play this installation disc backwards.
Installation disc: Rise from the dead in the name of Satan!
Professor Farnsworth: Oh, my!
Dr Banjo: Wild human! Wild human!
Bender: Place your bets. Wee!
Bender: You know... I'm feelin' a little—
Fry: I died. I'm dead. I'm gonna die!
