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The Luck of the Fryrish

Production Number: 3ACV04
First Aired: March 11, 2001

The Story

Act I: Get your piping hot horse-burgers!

In Old New York, sometime in the 20th century, Mrs. Fry is in labour. However, her attention seems to be on her portable radio, which is tuned in to a Mets game. Yancy Fry, Sr. names the child Philip, after those screwdrivers. Yancy Fry, Jr. is jealous of the name, but his father informs him that he's named after a proud line of Yancy Fry's. Yancy Fry, Sr. leaves the room, and Yancy steals a rocketship from a mobile hung over Philip's crib.

Back in the year 3000, the crew is attending the horseraces. Fry does horribly with is bets. Amy is with her parents in the luxury box, and, in their constant quest for grandchildren, they attempt to set up Amy with their best jockey. Leela and Hermes go to the concession stand for some horse-themed (and horse-derived) food. Meanwhile in the stables, Bender is drugging the horses with a hypo-spray. He is interrupted by a jockey, but drugs him as well. Fry prays to the horse-god in hopes of winning the final race, but his horse falls asleep due to Bender's drugging. Fry proclaims that he'll hold on to his last dollar, which then blows away. It lands on a power line, and after Fry is unable to reach it, he tries again with a rake. But lightning strikes the rake and electrocutes him. He seems only slightly hurt, but lightning strikes twice, knocking him from the telephone pole. He lands in a garbage can, and the concession stand cook dumps trash on top of him.

Act II: Dirt doesn't need luck.

In the past, Philip and Yancy are having a one-on-one game of basketball, where Fry is doing poorly. However, when sent to retrieve the ball, he finds a seven-leaf clover. After tucking it into his wristband, he makes an amazing shot and Yancy storms off.

In the year 3000, Bender counts his winnings from fixing the race, and Fry's head is still smoking from the lightning strike. Fry mentions his clover to the crew, and a wig-robot arrives with Fry's replacement hair. Zoidberg suggests that maybe the clover is still in the place he left it, so Fry plans to enter the ruins of Old New York to look for his clover. He recruits the help of Leela, who he'll need to bend the bars which might be blocking the tunnels. Bender, however, points out that "bending" is his middle name—Literally. Together, Fry, Leela, and Bender climb down a manhole to the ruins.

Act III: Stop hogging the clover!

Walking through the ruins of Old New York, Fry does the things he could never do before. Like proclaiming that Howard Stern is overrated, leaving payphones off the hook, and jaywalking. Though this last is foiled by a large lizard trampling Fry.

In the past, Yancy and Philip are trying out for a breakdancing troupe, who wish to win a competition, which gives parachute pants as a prize. After Philip's tryout, Yancy does the exact same routine, with poorly-disguised names. To show up Yancy, Philip performs the septuple headspin, three more rotations than the previoius record. Yancy then attempts to steal the clover from Philip, but Philip runs home.

In the ruins of Old New York, Bender mounts the subway tracks and Fry and Leela hop aboard. At the end of the line, it is shown that Bender has picked up another passenger. While walking through Fry's old neighborhood, Fry reminisces about the past, and meets one of his old neighbors. They arrive at Fry's old house, which, although in horrible condition, seems to have survived the alien attacks without damage (or at least, without further damage).

Act IV: Allow me!

Philip arrives home with Yancy in hot pursuit. Philip tries telling his mother, but she is, as usual, distracted by sports (this time, golf). Philip goes into the storage room/bomb shelter, where he hides the clover inside the sleeve for the Breakfast Club soundtrack, which is in turn locked into the Ronco Record Vault.

Fry, Bender, and Leela enter the storage room, and after the lock on the vault proves to be jammed, Bender opens it by oscillating on the structural resonance frequency of the vault. But Fry finds that the clover (as well as whatever else was hidden within the record sleeve) is missing. They leave Fry's house in defeat, but before they can leave the ruins of Old New York, they come upon a statue resembling Yancy, but with an inscription reading "Philip J. Fry"—and Fry's seven-leaf clover in his lapel. In rage, Fry strikes the statue, injuring his hand.

Act V: It's clovering time!

Somehow, they bring the statue back to Planet Express, where they learn about the person immortalized by the statue. A video on the internet shows Philip J. Fry's life. After a string of good luck, including being the first person on Mars, it is shown that he was buried with the clover, so it could bring him luck in the next life (perhaps, some Egyptians believe). Fry decides they should go to the cemetary and dig up the body to retrieve his clover.

Yancy prepares for his wedding, putting on the camouflage tuxedo that his father wore in Vietnam. While looking for music to play at the wedding, Yancy forces the lock on the Ronco Record Vault, and finds the Breakfast Club soundtrack. Inside it, he finds the seven-leaf clover.

On the Orbiting Meadows Cemetary, Fry, Leela, and Bender arrive at the gravesite, and begin digging. While digging, Fry knocks loose a chunk of moss from the tombstone.

Back in the past, Yancy and his wife are cuddling their newborn child. Yancy pulls the clover out of his pocket and gives it to the child. Yancy names the child Philip J. Fry, in honour of his lost brother.

Philip J. Fry, II's grave

While Fry is reading the inscription he uncovered, Bender strikes the casket and emerges with the clover (and his wedding ring). Leela, however, understands that Fry needs a moment alone, and sets off with Bender. Fry replaces the clover in the grave.

Additional Info


  • Fry's line, "It's cloverin' time!" is a reference to the Fantastic Four's The Thing, whose catchphrase is "It's klobberin' time!"
  • The hypo-spray Bender uses is modeled after the ones on Star Trek.
  • The drug Bender uses on the horses is "Comatonin".
  • The closeup of the manhole was the logo for the Fox show, "The PJ's", who reciprocated by putting a picture of Fry on a milk carton in their show.


Inscription on tombstone: Here lies Philip J. Fry. Named for his uncle to carry on his spirit.


Episode Credits
