Space Bee Weekend was the sixth event in Worlds of Tomorrow. It began on July 28, 2017 and ended on August 1, 2017 at 3PM PDT. The currency during this event was pollen, which was used to make honey.
Unlock requirements
Bee Bender
This is going to sting a little.
50  (Created with 200 )
Queen Space Bee
Favorite Food: Royal Peanut Butter and Royal Jelly Sandwiches.
Free, required completion of all event quests
10 Pollen
10 Pollen
30 Pollen
30 Pollen
90 Pollen
90 Pollen
Space Missions
Collect Influencer Career Chips from the mission "Almost Famous" on Mars and use them to level up Bee Bender! Available until 8/1 3PM PDT.
Fuel needed
Unlock requirements
Almost Famous "Influence the outcome."
Path 1: 18 Locked 1 (Level 9): 20 Locked 2 (Level 14): 23 Locked 3 (Level 19): 26
Influencer character level 9 Influencer character level 14 Influencer character level 19
Wild Buggalo Native Martians Martian Spiders Rock Aliens
Hexagon Hunting "There's six sides of scary."
 Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 23 Path 2: 23 Path 3: 24 Path 4: 24 Locked 1: 25 Locked 2 (right): 26 Locked 2 (upper left): 24 Locked 3 (upper center): 26 Locked 3 (upper right): 25 Locked 4 (left): 24 Locked 4 (right): 25 Locked 5 (left): 26 Locked 5 (right): 25
Requires Bender Bender Lvl 8 Bender level 10 Bender level 12 Bender level 14
Space Bees
Journey to the Center of the Hive "The crew gets up close and personal."
 Omicron Persei 8
Path 1: 25
Requires Bee Bender
Space Bees Queen Space Bee
Hive Mind Pt. 1
There you are, Fry. Have you fetched those hexagons I haven't asked you for yet?
Sorry, sir. I meant to, but-- wait, what hexagons?
My research, or rather, guesswork, suggests the hypnowaves can be contained in a planar lattice of regular hexagons.
Stop asking difficult questions or I'll make up more technobabble!
Have the professor Pine for Hexagons (1m).
Good news, everyone! You're off to the Space Beehive to steal their honeycomb!
But aren't the Space Bees dangerous? Also, why?
Very dangerous, and because their honeycomb consists of perfectly regular hexagons! You see, my research suggests hypnowaves--
Alright, already, I'm going! Stop boring me!
Goal complete: Hive Mind Pt. 1 ( 100, 75)
Hive Mind Pt. 2
The Professor wants us to steal some hexagons from the Space Beehive.
No way! Last time we visited the Space Beehive I almost died!
No you didn't. Leela was the one who was in a coma for two weeks.
We remember things differently. It's a lot like "Rashomon". Most of my life is.
Fry talks Bender into joining him. Complete the Hexagon Hunting Mission. Collect 12 Pollen in the Hexagon Hunting Mission.
We couldn't get into the Space Beehive. But I found this one crazy hermit bee making pentagons and I stole him so you can build your lattice.
But aren't the Space Bees dangerous? Also, why?
Pentagons?! Do you seriously think I can build and infinite polar lattice out of regular pentagons? It's impossible! Physically and mathematically impossible! How could you possibly think that, you imbecile?
Global warming isn't real, and also it's not caused by human activity.
Goal complete: Hive Mind Pt. 2 ( 100, 75)
Hive Mind Pt. 3
What if you dressed up as a bee? That way we can infiltrate the Space Beehive!
Are you nuts? I've got a hot fembot date tonight.
Think how turned on she'll get when you tell her how you risked your life battling Space Bees.
Indeed she will, but nothing in that plan requires me to actually battle Space Bees!
Bender dresses up. Have Fry Guzzle Honey (3h). Make 3 Honey Using Pollen. Create the Bee Bender outfit to infiltrate the space bee hive. (50 Honey Needed) Have Amy Grab Some Honey (3h), Have Bender Steal Some Honey (3h), Have Fry Guzzle Honey (3h), Have Kif Snag Some Honey (3h), Have The Professor Make Some Honey (3h), Have URL Confiscate Some Honey (3h)
Bee Bender is great! You're the bee's knees. Congrats on getting Bee Bender. Complete your bee collection by completing the remaining bee quests and getting the Queen Bee. How many times can we say bee? You have til August 1st at 3PM PDT.
Bender, you look adorable!
Shut up. I'm going undercover as a Space Bee.
Well, when you're done, let me take your picture so we can hang it on the fridge next to your report card.
Goal complete: Hive Mind Pt. 3 ( 100, 75)
Hive Mind Pt. 4
I've got a score to settle with these bees! Last time we were here they injured me and nearly killed Leela.
But I injure you and nearly kill Leela all the time!
Okay, I'll put you on my score-settling list too. But don't expect to be as high a priority.
Nobody cares about Bender.
The crew goes up against the Queen Bee. Defeat the Queen Bee.
Thanks to those hexagons you brought, I was able to neutralize the hypnowaves and save the universe!
What are you talking about, Professor? Look around, there are still hypnowaves everywhere!
[...] There you are Fry! I need a supply of perfect heptagons, so off you go. Be sure not to anger those space hornets!
Goal complete: Hive Mind Pt. 4 ( 1, 100, 75)
Busy as a Bee Pt. 1
How am I supposed to defend myself in this bee outfit? I can't even reach the Uzi in my chest compartment.
Wasn't the Professor going to put a mechanical stinger on the back and fill it with venom?
Pfft. There wasn't even enough venom in that thing to hospitalize Zoidberg! Fortunately, it injured him pretty badly when I broke it off in him.
Bender voices his displeasure. Have Bender do the bee dance. (1hr)
I don't think that costume looks bad.
I didn't say it didn't look good. Everything looks good on me 'cause I've got natural robot style. I mean I could put on YOUR outfit and make it look good.
Goal complete: Busy as a Bee Pt. 1 ( 100, 75)
Busy as a Bee Pt. 2
I figured out a use for this stupid bee costume. I'm gonna sell my own honey!
But you're not actually a bee. How are you going to make honey?
The traditional way. Mix mustard and glue, then cut it to street quality with lots of cheap store-bought honey. Stuff it in bear-shaped bottles, hawk it to rubes on Fifth Avenue, and I am one rich beevestite.
Bender sells some honey. Have Bender sell honey. (4hr) Have Amy attend social event. (8hr)
How's the honey business going?
Pretty good. Did you know honey could be fatal to infants?
Goal complete: Busy as a Bee Pt. 2 ( 100, 75)
Busy as a Bee Pt. 3
Bender, you look like a damn fool.
You take that back.
Okay. You ARE a damn fool, but you look great.
Apology accepted.
Bender is ridiculed. Have Bender hang out at the hive. (6hr) Have Fry buy retro junk. (4hr)
You'll regret the day you made fun of me.
I doubt it man, I don't regret makin' fun of anybody, including my mama.
I didn't say you'd regret making fun of me, I said you'd regret the DAY you made fun of me. Probably for some other reason. Also, I hear your mama is fat.
Goal complete: Busy as a Bee Pt. 3 ( 100, 75)
Busy as a Bee Pt. 4
Bee suit or not, I have to remind you losers how great I am.
Why do you care what other people think?
Because I'm a very caring robot. That's what makes me so beloved by you losers.
Bender tries to be cultured. Have Bee Bender admire the work of Pablo Bee-caso (1d) Have Bender take off head and spin it.
Attention please! I, Bender, have visited a museum, and am, therefore, more cultured than everybody here.
Sounds like you enjoyed the artwork.
Not only did I enjoy it, I also stole it. This is why public funding for the arts is so important.
Goal complete: Busy as a Bee Pt. 4 ( 100, 75)