Infosphere:News Archive
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- This page is an archive for the Main Page's "Latest Futurama news" section
29 September, 2017: The Entertainment District is added to the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow.
20 September, 2017: Futurama Comics, issue 83, "Bendocchio" is exclusively released through the Futuramaland mobile app.
20 September, 2017: "Getting Experimental", the tenth event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
14 September, 2017: "Radiorama", a special podcast audio episode of Futurama, is released.
13 September 2017: "An Auditory Adventure", the ninth event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
7 September 2017: "Quick Draw", the eighth event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
1 September 2017: "All My Circuits", the seventh event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
3 August 2017: "Episode 1: Lrr Strikes Back", the sixth event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
28 July 2017: "Space Bee Weekend", the fifth event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
25 July 2017: "Entry Level Experience", the fourth event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
21 July 2017: "Party on Omicron", the third event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
14 July, 2017: "George Takei Weekend", the second event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
7 July, 2017: "Animal Instincts Weekend", the first event of the mobile game, Worlds of Tomorrow, begins.
29 June, 2017: David X. Cohen reveals through a Reddit AMA that there will be "exciting Futurama news later this summer," but it won't be a TV episode or movie.
29 June, 2017: Worlds of Tomorrow is released for iOS & Android.
17 May, 2017: Futurama Comics, issue 82, "Burning Mom" is exclusively released through the Futuramaland mobile app.
22 February, 2017: Worlds of Tomorrow is officially announced.
15 February, 2017: It was revealed in the back of Simpsons Comics #237 that all future Futurama Comics issues would be digital exclusive, via Futuramaland, and that issue 82 would be there in May.
23 November, 2016: Futurama Comics, issue 81, A Touch of Medieval has been released.
25 August, 2016: Futurama Comics, issue 80, Dumbsday! has been released.
3 August, 2016: A mobile app for buying Futurama Comics, Futuramaland, has been released for iPhone, iPad & Android in the USA.
18 May, 2016: Futurama Comics, issue 79, Kif of Death! has been released.
25 February, 2016: Game of Drones is officially released for iPhone, iPad & Android.
24 February, 2016: Futurama Comics, issue 78, Little Orphan Android has been released.
26 November, 2015: A gameplay video for Game of Drones is released.
23 November, 2015: The mobile game is revealed to be titled Game of Drones.
18 November, 2015: Issue #77 of Futurama Comics is released.
2 September, 2015: Issue #76 of Futurama Comics is released.
11 August, 2015 (site news): The Infosphere now has a Twitter news feed! [1]
11 July, 2015: Matt Groening comments on the possibility of the return of Futurama.
8 July, 2015: A Futurama mobile game is announced.
1 July, 2015: Issue #75 of Futurama Comics is released.
27 February, 2015: Guest star Leonard Nimoy dies at the age of 83.
25 February, 2015: Issue #74 of Futurama Comics is released.
19 November, 2014: "Night of the Automated Dead" is released.
9 November, 2014: "Simpsorama" airs on Fox.
5 November, 2014: Entertainment Weekly releases a preview clip for "Simpsorama".
9 October, 2014: Guest star Jan Hooks dies at the age of 57.
15 September, 2014: The title of issue #73 of Futurama Comics is revealed to be "Night of the Automated Dead".
4 September, 2014: Entertainment Weekly releases a promotional picture for "Simpsorama" and reveals details about the plot.
3 September, 2014: Issue #72 of Futurama Comics is released.
26 July, 2014: Matt Groening says that some of the Futurama staff are meeting up tomorrow morning to discuss options to bring the show back.
20 July, 2014: It is revealed that "Simpsorama" will air on 9 November.
10 July, 2014: Futurama is nominated for two Emmy Awards, with "Meanwhile" submitted for Outstanding Animated Program and Maurice LaMarche's performance in "Calculon 2.0" submitted for Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance.
1 June, 2014: It is revealed that, besides the main characters, "Simpsorama" will feature the Hypnotoad and Nibbler.
28 May, 2014: Issue #71 of Futurama Comics is released.
21 May, 2014: It is revealed that "Simpsorama" will air in November.
4 March, 2014: It is revealed that, instead of in May, "Simpsorama" will air in the fall.
26 February, 2014: Issue #70 of Futurama Comics is released.
1 February, 2014: Futurama wins two of the three Annie Awards that it was nominated for — Best TV Production and Outstanding Achievement in Writing in a TV Production, which goes to Lewis Morton.
17 December, 2013: David X. Cohen gives an interview to
10 December, 2013: Volume 8 and the new Futurama collection are released.
5 December, 2013: Futurama, writer Lewis Morton, and editor Paul D. Calder are nominated for the 41st Annie Awards and "Saturday Morning Fun Pit", "Game of Tones", and "Murder on the Planet Express" are nominated for the 2014 Writers Guild of America Awards.
3 December, 2013: David X. Cohen gives an interview to The Huffington Post.
15 November, 2013: David X. Cohen gives an interview to
23 October, 2013: "Don't Go Taking my Heart!" is released.
26 September, 2013: It is reported that there might be a fifth Futurama film.
24 September, 2013: It is announced that the new Futurama collection will be released on the same day as Volume 8 — 10 December.
19 September, 2013: The Simpsons crossover episode is recorded. Its title is revealed to be "Simpsorama".
4 September, 2013: "Meanwhile" airs on Comedy Central, marking the end of the second run.
28 August, 2013: "Stench and Stenchibility" airs on Comedy Central.
28 August, 2013: "Futuramarutuf" is released.
21 August, 2013: "Murder on the Planet Express" airs on Comedy Central.
14 August, 2013: "Game of Tones" airs on Comedy Central.
7 August, 2013: "Leela and the Genestalk" airs on Comedy Central.
31 July, 2013: "Assie Come Home" airs on Comedy Central.
24 July, 2013: "Calculon 2.0" airs on Comedy Central.
20 July, 2013: The cast and crew of the show host the last-ever Futurama panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2013. It is announced that The Simpsons will crossover with Futurama in a Simpsons episode that will air sometime in 2014.
17 July, 2013: "Saturday Morning Fun Pit" airs on Comedy Central.
10 July, 2013: "The Inhuman Torch" airs on Comedy Central.
3 July, 2013: "Forty Percent Leadbelly" airs on Comedy Central.
26 June, 2013: "T.: The Terrestrial" airs on Comedy Central.
19 June, 2013: "2-D Blacktop" and "Fry and Leela's Big Fling" air on Comedy Central.
29 May, 2013: "Tartar House Five" is released.
30 April, 2013: Countdown to Futurama 2013 begins on Comedy Central's Tumblr page.
23 April, 2013: It is announced that Toynami has cancelled their 6 inch Futurama figurine line.
22 April, 2013: It is announced that Futurama has not been renewed for an eighth season on Comedy Central, bringing the show to an end for a second time.
12 April, 2013: In an interview with writer Patric Verrone on HuffPost Live, it is revealed that broadcast season 10 will begin airing on 19 June, 2013, and a preview clip for the first episode, "Forty Percent Leadbelly", is released.
29 March, 2013: Broadcast season 8 premieres on British television, starting with "Benderama" on Sky1 at 7:30pm.
24 March, 2013: "The Board Game Games" is released.
5 March, 2013: It is announced that broadcast season 8 will begin airing in the UK on Sky1 from 7:30pm to 8:30pm on 29 March.
5 February, 2013: A three-minute preview for broadcast season 10 is made available.
11 December, 2012: Volume 7 is released.
15 September, 2012: Futurama wins the Emmy for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance at the 64th Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Awards, awarded to Maurice LaMarche for his performances in "The Silence of the Clamps".
29 August, 2012: Episodes "31st Century Fox" and "Naturama" air on Comedy Central, ending the first half of Season 7.
22 August, 2012: Episode "Viva Mars Vegas" airs on Comedy Central.
15 August, 2012: Episode "Near-Death Wish" airs on Comedy Central.
8 August, 2012: Episode "Free Will Hunting" airs on Comedy Central.
1 August, 2012: Episode "Fun on a Bun" airs on Comedy Central.
25 July, 2012: Episode "The Six Million Dollar Mon" airs on Comedy Central.
19 July, 2012: Futurama is nominated for Outstanding Animated Program, and Maurice LaMarche for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance, at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards.
18 July, 2012: Episode "The Butterjunk Effect" airs on Comedy Central.
11 July, 2012: Episode "Zapp Dingbat" airs on Comedy Central.
10 July, 2012: MSN TV update their Futurama episode guide a sixth time - revealing the plots of "Viva Mars Vegas" and "Naturama" and revealing the air date of the former episode.
4 July, 2012: Episode "The Thief of Baghead" airs on Comedy Central.
29 June, 2012: For the fifth time, MSN TV update their Futurama episode guide - revealing the air dates of "Near-Death Wish" and "31st Century Fox" and revealing the plot of the latter episode.
28 June, 2012: For the fourth time, MSN TV update their Futurama episode guide - revealing the air dates of "The Butterjunk Effect" and "Free Will Hunting" and revealing the plot of the latter episode.
27 June, 2012: Episode "Decision 3012" airs on Comedy Central.
20 June, 2012: Episodes "The Bots and the Bees" and "A Farewell to Arms" air on Comedy Central.
8 June, 2012: MSN TV have updated their Futurama episode guide a third time - revealing the air dates of "The Six Million Dollar Mon" and "Fun on a Bun" and the plot of "Fun on a Bun".
2 May, 2012: MSN TV have updated their Futurama episode guide once again - revealing the air dates and plots of "The Thief of Baghead" and "Zapp Dingbat".
1 May, 2012: Countdown to Futurama begins releasing teaser material from broadcast season 9.
25 April, 2012: MSN TV have updated their Futurama episode guide - revealing that Season 7 will premiere on 20 June with two back-to-back episodes, "The Bots and the Bees" and "A Farewell to Arms". The plot of the latter episode is revealed - along with that of a succeeding episode, "Decision 3012".
28 March, 2012: Volume 5 and Volume 6, the boxset collections for Season 6, are released on Blu-ray in Australia.
23 February, 2012: "2-D Blacktop" is revealed to be an episode title for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalog.
19 February, 2012: "The Silence of the Clamps", written by Eric Rogers, loses to The Simpsons at the Writers Guild of America Awards.
19 February, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that, due to time constraints, Season 7 will not feature sponsors.
18 February, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that 7ACV01 "Probably" is titled "The Bots and the Bees".
17 February, 2012: Matt Groening jokes that Futurama "must be a she".
15 February, 2012: Aimee Steinberger reveals that she thinks that the animatic for 7ACV14 "went pretty well".
14 February, 2012: Aimee Steinberger reveals that the animatic for 7ACV14 is "done" and will be screened "[tomorrow] at the FOX lot".
9 February, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that "Forty Percent Leadbelly" is "Supergood".
8 February, 2012: "Forty Percent Leadbelly" is revealed to be an episode title for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalog.
7 February, 2012: The title of 7ACV18 is revealed to be "The Inhuman Torch".
31 January, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that Futurama has doubled viewership in syndication.
30 January, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that his favourite episode from broadcast season 9 is either "7ACV01", "7ACV02" or "7ACV11".
27 January, 2012: Katey Sagal reveals that a recording session is taking place and that, among others, she, Billy West, John DiMaggio and David Herman are present. Eric Rogers reveals that the session concerns an episode of his and that Sagal "kicked ass at the read" and "[knocked] it out of the park at the [session]".
27 January, 2012: Aimee Steinberger reveals that the first full-color animation for 7ACV01 was screened on the Fox lot, that it received "lots of yays", that she could not go due to her work on "7ACV14", that she watched it nonetheless and that she found it "lovely".
26 January, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that the production team just saw the first full-color animation for 7ACV01, calling it, "Un. Be. Lievable."
23 January, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that the animatic for "7ACV17" will be screened on 25 January.
22 January, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that the preferred spelling for the name of Leela's ex-boyfriend, first mentioned in "Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?", is Sean.
17 January, 2012: Eric Rogers reveals that he is the author of 7ACV17 and that "7ACV18" is being written.
13 January, 2012: John DiMaggio reveals himself to be in a recording session with David X. Cohen and Patrick Stewart, thus announcing Stewart as a guest voice actor for Season 7.
30 December, 2011: "Naturama" and "Fun on a Bun" are revealed to be episode titles for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalog.
26 December, 2011: Volume 5 is released on DVD in Region 2 and on Blu-ray in Region B, under the name of "Season 5".
21 December, 2011: Volume 6 is released on DVD in Region 4.
20 December, 2011: Volume 6 is released on DVD in Region 1 and on Blu-ray in Region A.
15 December, 2011: "31st Century Fox" and "Near-Death Wish" are revealed to be episode titles for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalog.
4 December, 2011: "Viva Mars Vegas" is revealed to be an episode title for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalog.
7 December, 2011: Eric Rogers is nominated for a Writers Guild of America Award for "The Silence of the Clamps".
5 December, 2011: Josh Weinstein is nominated for Writing in a Television Production for "All the Presidents' Heads", and Paul D. Calder for Editing in a Television Production, at the 39th Annie Awards.
27 November, 2011: Can't Get Enough Futurama reveals the title of 7ACV09 to be "Freewill Hunting".
16 November, 2011: After leaving the screening of the animatic for "7ACV08", assistant director Aimee Steinberger says, "Everyone liked it!" Eric Rogers reveals that he is the author of "7ACV05" and, after watching the animatic for 7ACV08, that the episode "might be [the best episode of the ninth broadcast season]", calling it "EPIC".
15 November, 2011: Aimee Steinberger reveals that "[the production team is] done with [7ACV08]", calling it "[her] most time intensive grueling ep ever", and that the animatic will be screened "on the FOX lot tomorrow".
8 November, 2011: Eric Rogers reveals that this is the day of the table read of 7ACV13, that the episode has been co-written by him and that the episode will air August 2012, also saying, "Different kind of story this time, but funny as ever!"
26 October, 2011: Eric Rogers reveals that one of his episodes for broadcast season 9 will contain a musical performance and confirms that he will be writing two episodes for that season.
19 October, 2011: "The Six Million Dollar Mon" is revealed to be an episode title for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalogue.
18 October, 2011: Futurama wins an Environmental Media Award for greenest Episodic Comedy ("The Futurama Holiday Spectacular").
28 September, 2011: "The Butterjunk Effect" is revealed to be an episode title for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalogue.
25 September, 2011: "Blue Munda", "Decision 3012" and "The Thief of Baghead" are revealed to be episode titles for Season 7 by the US Copyright Catalogue.
10 September, 2011: Futurama wins two Emmy Awards, one for Outstanding Animated Program ("The Late Philip J. Fry") and one for Oustanding Voice-Over Performance (Maurice LaMarche).
8 September, 2011: Episode "Reincarnation" airs on Comedy Central.
1 September, 2011: Episode "Overclockwise" airs on Comedy Central.
25 August, 2011: Episode "Cold Warriors" airs on Comedy Central.
18 August, 2011: Episode "The Tip of the Zoidberg" airs on Comedy Central.
11 August, 2011: Episode "Fry Am the Egg Man" airs on Comedy Central.
4 August, 2011: Episode "Möbius Dick" airs on Comedy Central.
28 July, 2011: Episode "All the Presidents' Heads" airs on Comedy Central.
23 July, 2011: At the Futurama panel of San Diego Comic-Con International, the anime segment of episode "Reincarnation" is shown in its entirety for the first time and the Futurama app is announced.
21 July, 2011: Episode "Yo Leela Leela" airs on Comedy Central.
14 July, 2011: Episode "The Silence of the Clamps" airs on Comedy Central.
14 July, 2011: Futurama is nominated for Outstanding Animated Program, and Maurice LaMarche for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance, at the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards.
30 June, 2011: Episode "Ghost in the Machines" airs on Comedy Central.
26 June, 2011: Broadcast season 8 will begin airing in Australia on 11 starting with "Benderama" on the 29th of June at 8pm.
23 June, 2011: Episodes "Neutopia" and "Benderama" air on Comedy Central.
16 June, 2011: Maurice LaMarche announces that he has started recording the first episode of season 7.
4 May, 2011: Countdown to Futurama begins releasing teaser material from broadcast season 8.
24 March, 2011: Season 7 is confirmed to consist of 26 episodes, planned to air on Comedy Central in 2012 and 2013 as the ninth and tenth broadcast seasons.
22 March, 2011: Maurice LaMarche announces that he has closed his deal for season 7.
6 February, 2011: Futurama is nominated for two Annie Awards, but loses to Robot Chicken and Kung Fu Panda.
5 February, 2011: "The Prisoner of Benda" wins the Writer's Guild of America Award for "Animation".
3 February, 2011: Broadcast season 8 is revealed to start airing on 23 June, beginning with "The Silence of the Clamps".
7 January, 2011: Broadcast season 7 premiere in the United Kingdom turns out to be repeats instead.
27 December, 2010: Season 6 is scheduled to premiere in the UK on Friday, 7 January with two episodes on Sky1 at 8pm. The Australian premiere is also scheduled, with one episode to air on Wednesday, 12 January on Eleven at 8pm.
21 December, 2010: Volume 5, containing the episodes of the previous broadcast season, is released on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States.
9 December, 2010: Futurama is nominated for two Annie Awards.
21 November, 2010: Episode "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular" airs on Comedy Central.
7 October, 2010: DVD and Blu-ray release of Volume 5 is announced for 21 December.
24 June, 2010: Premiere episodes of season 6, "Rebirth" and "In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela" airs on Comedy Central. First new Futurama episodes made for TV to air in little less than 7 years.
10 May, 2010 (site news): After a couple of months of beating it around the bush, have finally been merged onto our server, as we are now sharing hosts. Please welcome another member of our family.
17 March, 2010 (site news): During the previous week, especially the weekend, you may have noticed a rather unstable Infosphere website, but the issues should now have been fixed and the server is lot more stable now. We apologise for the inconvenience and annoyances it may have caused. Don't be shy to report problems with the website, however.
9 March, 2010: Can't Get Enough Futurama confirms Craig Ferguson, Katee Sackhoff and Al Gore will be lending their voices during season 6.
4 March, 2010: The air date of "Rebirth" has been announced to be 24th of June.
6 February, 2010: Into the Wild Green Yonder wins the Annie Award for Best Home Entertainment Production of 2009.
15 January, 2010: David X. Cohen revealed to Can't Get Enough Futurama what episodes 6ACV12 and "6ACV13" will contain. 6ACV12, being the hundredth episode, might be the season finale and 6ACV13 is going to be an AoI-style episode focusing on seasonal stories.
4 January, 2010: Another collection of Futurama comics has been announced, in this case it's The Simpsons Futurama Crossover Crisis and will be available on the 14th of April.
3 December, 2009 (site news): We have upgraded our Main Page to reflect that the Infosphere is now dealing with an active TV show. We hope you welcome the new changes.
30 August, 2009: Today the remainder of season 5, Into the Wild Green Yonder's four part sub-episodes air on Comedy Central. The next portion of Futurama will first air June 2010.
7 August, 2009: The recasting ploy has finally come to an end, as the supporting cast, including Lauren Tom, Phil LaMarr, Frank Welker and David Herman, have been settled.
31 July, 2009: The recasting ploy is nearing its end as Katey Sagal, Maurice LaMarche, Tress MacNeille, Billy West and John DiMaggio have sealed the contract with 20th Century Fox Television to return for the second run. Supporting cast, like Lauren Tom, Phil LaMarr and David Herman are still to be settled.
10 June, 2009: Comedy Central has officially announced a new season of 26 episodes of Futurama to begin air in 2010.
2 May, 2009 (site news): Today, together with the Futurama Madhouse, The Infosphere announces the introduction of the FutraMedia Foundation.
26 April, 2009: Today, Bender's Game aired on Comedy Central as its four sub-episodes.
20 April, 2009 (site news): Our donation campaign for keeping the project has been launched, where we hope to raise 500 EUR. We encourage our visitors to help.
28 March, 2009: Today marks the 10th anniversary of Futurama, on 28 March, 1999, "Space Pilot 3000" aired for the first time on Fox.
14 March, 2009 (site news): Today, we have finally launched our new design. This may pose some oddities at first, but any reports of strange appearances should reported to our Conference Table.
4 March, 2009: Today Into the Wild Green Yonder was released in region 4 (Australia).
24 February, 2009: Today Into the Wild Green Yonder was released in region 1 (North America).
23 February, 2009: Today Into the Wild Green Yonder was released in region 2 (Europe).
10 December, 2008: Today Bender's Game was released in region 4 (Australia).
5 December, 2008: Screenjabber is first with a review. Beware of spoilers.
29 November, 2008: 4 March, 2009 is confirmed to be the Australian release date for Into the Wild Green Yonder, a little over a week after the North American and European releases.
4 November, 2008: Today Bender's Game was released in region 1 (North America).
3 November, 2008: Today Bender's Game was released in region 2 (Europe).
27 September, 2008: 19 October, 2008 is the date that the next batch of episodes, cut from The Beast with a Billion Backs, airs on Comedy Central in the USA.
10 September, 2008: The first preview of Bender's Game surfaces. Beware of spoilers.
6 August, 2008: The Beast with a Billion Backs was released for region 4.
26 July, 2008: Release dates for Bender's Game have been revealed as 4 November in region 1 and 10 December in region 4.
30 June, 2008: The Beast with a Billion Backs was released for region 2.
24 June, 2008: The Beast with a Billion Backs was released for region 1.
20 June, 2008: A teaser trailer of Bender's Game has been released.
19 June, 2008: Australian broadcaster Network Ten has begun airing the episodes of Bender's Big Score, one each Thursday.
25 May, 2008: Another review of The Beast with a Billion Backs emerges, this time with screen caps, beware of spoilers.
19 May, 2008: The Official Trailer of The Beast with a Billion Backs has been released.
18 May, 2008: A review of The Beast with a Billion Backs has been posted at, beware of spoilers.
13 May, 2008: We now know the Australian release date for The Beast with a Billion Backs is the 6th of August, this is only around a month behind the late June releases in the US and Europe.
7 April, 2008: Good news for our European fans. Today, Bender's Big Score has been released in Region 2. Additionally, we have confirmation about the release dates of Bender's Game and Into the Wild Green Yonder in Europe.
23 March, 2008: Today Comedy Central will broadcast the first four episodes of production season 5. The first new Futurama episode in almost five years.
7 March, 2008: 20th Century Fox have registered "Slurm" as a trademark. According to the file, they are going to use it for sodas.
5 March, 2008: Bender's Big Score is released on DVD in region 4.
29 February, 2008: The Beast with a Billion Backs is confirmed to be released on 24 June, 2008.
28 February, 2008 (site news): We have just moved to our new domain (! Prepare to change your bookmarks.
23 February, 2008: The first episode (which is cut from Bender's Big Score) of season 5 is scheduled to air on Comedy Central 23 March, 2008.
2 January, 2008: Futurama starts airing on Comedy Central. In broadcast order, in case anyone was wondering.
27 November, 2007: The new movie Bender's Big Score is released on DVD in region 1
21 November, 2007: Claudia Katz of Rough Draft Studios has been interviewed by
19 November, 2007: Another trailer for Bender's Big Score is now available at
14 November, 2007: An interview with some of the key staff of Rough Draft Studios has been released on Cinematical.
6 November, 2007: Can't Get Enough Futurama has held an interview with David X. Cohen.
3 October, 2007: A trailer has been released for Bender's Big Score.
2 August, 2007: There were several previews and even a panel on the new season of Futurama at Comic-Con 07. Videos can be found here (low quality), here, and here.
7 July, 2007: Lauren Tom talks about the new series on IGN
3 July, 2007 (site news): The Wiki software has finally been updated. Please report any database errors you might come across. We should now have some fancy new features (probably not noticeable to casual users, though), so enjoy.
9 March, 2007: Another Groening interview has been posted by iF Magazine
28 January, 2007: Matt Groening has confirmed that the 2008 season of Futurama will be reconfigured versions of the four DVD movies. More info
12 December, 2006: ToyFare Magazine has released an interview with David X. Cohen on their website. In the interview, Cohen talks about some of the content and context of the new season, beware of possible spoilers.
22 June, 2006: American cable television network Comedy Central has picked up the rights to air Futurama, in both old and new episodes. A new season of 13 episodes, with the original voice actors, will air in 2008.